Leaf angles#

from functools import partial

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import optimize

import crt1d as crt

Leaf inclination angle distributions \(g(\theta_l)\)#

named = {
    "spherical": crt.leaf_angle.g_spherical,
    "uniform": crt.leaf_angle.g_uniform,
    "planophile": crt.leaf_angle.g_planophile,
    "erectrophile": crt.leaf_angle.g_erectophile,
    "plagiophile": crt.leaf_angle.g_plagiophile,

theta_l = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 200)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for name, g_fn in named.items():
    ax.plot(np.rad2deg(theta_l), g_fn(theta_l), label=name)

ax.autoscale(True, "x", tight=True)
    xlabel=r"Leaf inclination angle $\theta_l$ [deg.]",
    ylabel="Probability density",
    title=r"$g(\theta_l)$ for various distributions",

👆 Compare to Bonan (2019) Fig. 2.6.


fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ellipsoidal_xs = [0.5, 1, 2, 4]

for x in ellipsoidal_xs:
    ax.plot(np.rad2deg(theta_l), crt.leaf_angle.g_ellipsoidal(theta_l, x), label=f"$x = {x}$")

ax.autoscale(True, "x", tight=True)
    xlabel=r"Leaf inclination angle $\theta_l$ [deg.]",
    ylabel="Probability density",
    title=r"$g(\theta_l)$ for different ellipsoidal distributions",

👆 Compare to Bonan (2019) Fig. 2.7. We can see that \(x = 1\) is the same as spherical in the previous figure. This makes sense since \(x\) is the ratio of the ellipsoid axes, \(b/a\). As \(x > 1\), the preference is for leaves that are only slightly inclined above the horizontal (oblate spheroid; left below). For \(x < 1\), we have a prolate spheroid and a preference for greater inclination angles.

Wikipedia spheroids

Mean leaf angle from \(g(\theta_l)\)#

df = pd.DataFrame(index=named.keys(), data={
    "mla_deg": [crt.leaf_angle.mla_from_g(g_fn) for g_fn in named.values()]

for x in ellipsoidal_xs:
    df.loc[f"ellipsoidal_x={x}", "mla_deg"] = crt.leaf_angle.mla_from_g(
        lambda theta_l: crt.leaf_angle.g_ellipsoidal(theta_l, x)

spherical 57.296
uniform 45.000
planophile 26.762
erectrophile 63.238
plagiophile 45.000
ellipsoidal_x=0.5 72.081
ellipsoidal_x=1 57.296
ellipsoidal_x=2 38.477
ellipsoidal_x=4 21.983

👆 Note that the spherical leaf angle distribution’s mean leaf angle of \(\approx 57.3^\circ\) is properly recovered when \(x=1\) is used with the ellipsoidal \(g\).

There is a formula (Campbell 1990, eq. 16) that can be used to approximate the mean leaf angle for the ellipsoidal distribution without needing to numerically integrate \(g(\theta_l)\). Below we test it out.

fig, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(6, 6))

x = np.linspace(0.01, 10, 200)

yhat = crt.leaf_angle.x_to_mla_approx(x)
y = np.array([crt.leaf_angle.x_to_mla_integ(xi) for xi in x])

ax1.plot(x, y, label="numerical integration of exact PDF")
ax1.plot(x, yhat, label="approximation formula")

ax2.plot(x, yhat - y, c="0.2", label="approx. minus integ.")
ax2.axhline(0, c="0.7", lw=1)

ax1.set(ylabel="Mean leaf angle [deg.]", title="Ellipsoidal mean leaf angle from $x$")
ax2.set(xlabel="$x$ (spheroid axis ratio)", ylabel="Mean leaf angle [deg.]")

The nice thing about the approximate formula is that we can invert it and obtain \(x\) from mean leaf angle. Of course, we can also do this numerically.

mlas = [10, 20, 50, 57.296, 60, 80]

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "mla_deg": mlas,
    "x_approx": [crt.leaf_angle.mla_to_x_approx(mla) for mla in mlas],
    "x_integ": [crt.leaf_angle.mla_to_x_integ(mla) for mla in mlas],

mla_deg x_approx x_integ
0 10.000 8.380 9.153
1 20.000 4.477 4.441
2 50.000 1.291 1.316
3 57.296 0.951 1.000
4 60.000 0.842 0.897
5 80.000 0.227 0.274


This index characterizes the departure of the leaf angle distribution from spherical. Vertical leaves have \(\chi_l = -1\) and horizontal leaves \(\chi_l = +1\).

df = pd.DataFrame(index=named.keys(), data={
    "xl": [crt.leaf_angle.xl_from_g(g_fn) for g_fn in named.values()]

for x in ellipsoidal_xs:
    df.loc[f"ellipsoidal_x={x}", "xl"] = crt.leaf_angle.xl_from_g(
        lambda theta_l: crt.leaf_angle.g_ellipsoidal(theta_l, x)

spherical 0.000
uniform 0.211
planophile 0.527
erectrophile -0.115
plagiophile 0.313
ellipsoidal_x=0.5 -0.326
ellipsoidal_x=1 -0.000
ellipsoidal_x=2 0.354
ellipsoidal_x=4 0.638


Most of the time we use the ellipsoidal \(G(\psi)\). In the canopy RT schemes, this is used for constructing \(K_b(\psi)\) and also used directly by some schemes.

\[ K_b(\psi) = G(\psi) / \cos(\psi) \]
fig, [[ax1, ax2], [ax3, ax4]] = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 7))


sza = np.linspace(0, 89, 200)
psi = np.deg2rad(sza)
mu = np.cos(psi)

for x in ellipsoidal_xs:
    approx = crt.leaf_angle.G_ellipsoidal_approx(psi, x)
    exact = crt.leaf_angle.G_ellipsoidal(psi, x)

    l, = ax1.plot(sza, approx, ":", lw=3, label=f"approx., $x={x}$")
    c = c=l.get_color()
    ax1.plot(sza, exact, label=f"analytical, $x={x}$", c=c)
    ax2.plot(mu, exact, c=c)
    ax3.plot(sza, approx - exact, c=c)
    ax4.plot(mu, exact/mu, c=c)

# Horizontal/vertical limits for reference
for name, G_fn, color, lw in [
    ("horizontal", crt.leaf_angle.G_horizontal, "0.25", 0.8),
    ("vertical", crt.leaf_angle.G_vertical, "0.75", 1),
    G = G_fn(psi)
    ax1.plot(sza, G, c=color, lw=lw, zorder=0, label=name)
    ax2.plot(mu, G, c=color, lw=lw, zorder=0)
    ax4.plot(mu, G/mu, c=color, lw=lw, zorder=0)

ax1.set(xlabel=r"Solar zenith angle $\psi$ [deg.]", ylabel="$G$", title="Ellipsoidal $G$ vs SZA")

ax2.set(xlabel=r"$\mu = \cos \psi$", ylabel="$G$", title=r"Ellipsoidal $G$ vs $\mu$")

ax3.set(xlabel="Solar zenith angle $\psi$ [deg.]", ylabel=r"$\delta G$", title="Approx. minus analytical")
ax3.axhline(0, ls=":", c="0.7", lw=1)

ax4.set(xlabel=r"$\mu = \cos \psi$", ylabel="$K_b$", title=r"$K_b = G/\mu$ vs $\mu$", ylim=(None, 5))

for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax4]:

for ax in fig.get_axes():
    ax.autoscale(True, "x", tight=True)

fig.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.98, 0.5), loc="center left")

👆 The bottom right panel can be compared to Bonan (2019) Fig. 14.9, although that figure’s \(x\) coordinate is SZA (degrees) instead of \(\mu\).

In the top left panel, note that although each curve (aside from \(x = 1\)) does cross \(G = 0.5\), they do this at different values of SZA.

Where does \(G = 0.5\)?#

For spherical, \(G = 0.5\) for all SZA. But for the others, it varies.

data = []
for x in ellipsoidal_xs + [0.1, 3, 10]:
    if x == 1:

    G_fn = partial(crt.leaf_angle.G_ellipsoidal, x=x)

    def f(sza):
        psi = np.deg2rad(sza)
        G = G_fn(psi)
        return G - 0.5

    sol = optimize.root_scalar(f, x0=60, bracket=(45, 75), method="bisect", xtol=1e-5)

    data.append((f"ellipsoidal x={x}", sol.root))

data.append(("vertical (analytical)", np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(np.pi/4))))
data.append(("horizontal (analytical)", np.rad2deg(np.arccos(0.5))))

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["G fn", "SZA"])
df["psi"] = np.deg2rad(df["SZA"])
df["mu"] = np.cos(df["psi"])
    .set_index("G fn")
SZA psi mu
G fn
vertical (analytical) 51.757519 0.903339 0.618991
ellipsoidal x=0.1 51.868823 0.905282 0.617464
ellipsoidal x=0.5 53.157227 0.927769 0.599621
ellipsoidal x=2 56.687529 0.989384 0.549205
ellipsoidal x=3 57.718384 1.007376 0.534081
ellipsoidal x=4 58.322604 1.017921 0.525136
ellipsoidal x=10 59.483564 1.038184 0.507786
horizontal (analytical) 60.000000 1.047198 0.500000

👆 “SZA” and “psi” (\(\psi\)) above are both the solar zenith angle, but the former is in degrees while the latter is in radians. “mu”: \(\mu = \cos{\psi}\).

Where does \(K_b = 1\)?#

For horizontal (\(G(\psi) = \cos{\psi}\)), \(K_b = 1\) for all SZA. But for the others, it varies.

data = []
for x in ellipsoidal_xs + [0.1, 3, 10]:

    G_fn = partial(crt.leaf_angle.G_ellipsoidal, x=x)

    def f(sza):
        psi = np.deg2rad(sza)
        G = G_fn(psi)
        return G / np.cos(psi) - 1

    sol = optimize.root_scalar(f, x0=60, bracket=(45, 75), method="bisect", xtol=1e-5)

    data.append((f"ellipsoidal x={x}", sol.root))

data.append(("vertical (analytical)", np.rad2deg(np.arctan(np.pi/2))))
data.append(("spherical (analytical)", np.rad2deg(np.arccos(0.5))))

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["G fn", "SZA"])
df["psi"] = np.deg2rad(df["SZA"])
df["mu"] = np.cos(df["psi"])
    .set_index("G fn")
SZA psi mu
G fn
vertical (analytical) 57.518363 1.003885 0.537029
ellipsoidal x=0.1 57.585490 1.005056 0.536041
ellipsoidal x=0.5 58.540299 1.021721 0.521899
spherical (analytical) 60.000000 1.047198 0.500000
ellipsoidal x=1 60.000007 1.047198 0.500000
ellipsoidal x=2 62.272518 1.086860 0.465267
ellipsoidal x=3 63.793538 1.113407 0.441607
ellipsoidal x=4 64.872959 1.132247 0.424627
ellipsoidal x=10 67.969158 1.186286 0.375106